;============================================================================= ; README-s_kAmmoAuto-Aliases.txt (s_kAmmoAuto command use in USER.INI) ;============================================================================= ; ; Tactical Ops ; - http://www.planetunreal.com/tacticalops ; ; Source code rights: ; Copyright (C) 2000 Laurent "SHAG" Delayen and Benoit "JAH" Delayen ; Addendum July 2000, Michael "IvanTT" Sanders ; ;============================================================================= ; ; This command is intended for use with Unreal Tournament / Tactical Ops modification only. ; ; Please read the following information carefully. The intent it to provide you with ; enough information to modify your initialization file correctly so that it will ; provide you with the game play you want. ; ; Use a text editor, Windows Notepad (NOTEPAD.EXE) is fine, and open the USER.INI file ; located on the hard drive where you installed UT, probably in the SYSTEM directory ; within the UNREALTOURNAMENT directory, i.e. C:\UNREALTOURNAMENT\SYSTEM\USER.INI. ; ; Modify the Alias settings in the [Engine.Input] section of USER.INI. A normal unused ; alias should look something like the one below where the number, in this case 27, will ; be between 0 and 39 (I believe UT only allows 40 aliases, don't know why). Aliases[27]=(Command="",Alias=None) ; Replace the Command and Alias values with the following: Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 102",Alias=TO_BuyDEagle) ; Pay close attention to syntax (formatting) being sure not to miss the quotes around ; the Command value. The actual command is s_kAmmoAuto with a corresponding number, ; which are detailed later. Notice there are no quotes for the Alias value and you can ; make the alias value anything meaningful. Also be sure to have a different Aliases[] ; number for each alias. All of the examples in this file use Aliases[27] for clarity. ; Now assign the alias value to any unused key farther down in the USER.INI. P=TO_BuyDEagle ; Save the USER.INI files and start a Tactical Ops game. Once the match has started, assuming ; you are in a buy zone, have enough money, and don't already have one, you can purchase ; one DEagle pistol simply by pressing the 'P' key. ; ; ;----------------------------- Command Listing ----------------------------- ; ; Below is a list of all possible commands you can use and there respective meanings. ; Pay close attention to the s_kAmmoAuto number. We realize the numbers jump around ; a bit, but that gives us plenty of room to add new weapons and equipment later! ; You can also make combinations to suit your game play talents! Remember that in ; order to buy, you must be in a buy zone, you must have enough money, and you can ; only purchase one of each weapon at a time. Enjoy! ; ; ----------- Tactical Ops Weapons ------------------------------------------------ ; ; (self explanatory) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 101",Alias=TO_BuyGlock) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 102",Alias=TO_BuyDEagle) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 103",Alias=TO_BuyMAC10) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 104",Alias=TO_BuyMP5) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 105",Alias=TO_BuyMossberg) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 106",Alias=TO_BuyM3) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 107",Alias=TO_BuyAK47) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 108",Alias=TO_BuyM4A1) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 109",Alias=TO_BuyFAMAS) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 110",Alias=TO_BuyHKSR9) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 111",Alias=TO_BuySR9) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 112",Alias=TO_BuyPSG1) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 113",Alias=TO_BuyGrenadeHE) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 114",Alias=TO_BuyGrenadeFlashBang) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 115",Alias=TO_BuyGrenadeConcussion) ; ----------- Tactical Ops Armor -------------------------------------------------- ; ; (these purchase armor items if you are either not ; currently wearing that armor item or the armor item ; you are wearing is in less than perfect condition, i.e. ; shown as Green on the armor icon indicator on screen) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 301",Alias=TO_BuyKevlarVest) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 302",Alias=TO_BuyHelmet) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 303",Alias=TO_BuyThighPads) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 304",Alias=TO_BuyAllArmor) ; (this purchases armor items if you are either not ; currently wearing an armor item or the armor item ; you are wearing is more than 50% damaged, i.e. ; shown as Red on the armor icon indicator on screen) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 333",Alias=TO_BuyArmorNeeded) ; ----------- Tactical Ops Night Vision ------------------------------------------- ; ; (self explanatory) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 401",Alias=TO_BuyNightVision) ; ----------- Tactical Ops Ammunition Clip ---------------------------------------- ; ; (this purchases one ammo clip for the Tactical Ops Weapon ; currently in your hands) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 999",Alias=TO_BuyCurrentAmmo) ; ----------- Tactical Ops Combinations ------------------------------------------- ; ; You can mix and match any of the above commands in any combination. To do this, ; make sure you insert a pipe symbol '|', normally located on the upper portion of ; the the backslash key, with a space on each side between each command. ; ; (this purchases a DEagle with a full load (5 ammo clips) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 102 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999",Alias=TO_BuyDEagle) ; (this purchases a Mossberg with a full load (6 ammo clips) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 105 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999",Alias=TO_BuyMossberg) ; (this purchases a FAMAS with a full load (5 ammo clips) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 108 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999",Alias=TO_BuyFamas) ; (this purchases 5 ammo clips for whatever Tactical Ops Weapon is ; currently in your hands, which is typically a full load) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999",Alias=TO_BuyCurrentAmmo) ; (this purchases a DEagle with a one extra ammo clip and any armor you need) Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 102 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 333",Alias=TO_BuyEmergency)